With Focal Software data, you can get qualified in a matter of minutes. Just imagine, your funding could be approved in the next 24 hours!
We won’t ask you to provide bank account statements and credit reports to apply for Focal Fast Funding. Eligibility is based solely on your account’s performance and history.
You can qualify with a minimum two months in sales of over $1,000 for Amazon or nine months in sales of over $5,000 for Shopify.
With Focal, you get 16 to 24 weeks to pay the Advance back. Plus, our rebate program assists your fast-growing eCommerce in lowering total funding expenses. Simply said, the faster you expand with the help of our program, the less you pay for funding.
To qualify, you must fulfill the following marketplace requirements:
If on Shopify, you must have average monthly sales of $5000 in revenue for nine months;
Amazon and Walmart must have monthly sales of at least $10,000 per month for nine months
The faster you expand, the less money you’ll have to pay. That means there are no fixed costs, prepayment, or origination fees.