Case Studies


“Focal revolutionized SmartyLife’s eCommerce performance by optimizing marketing strategies and streamlining operations, driving a 364% increase in monthly revenue.”


  • Increase monthly sales and weekly unit sales
  • Reduce advertising costs and increase ROAS
  • Enhance click-through rates and overall ad performance


  • Comprehensive analysis and reallocation of advertising budget
  • Optimization of product listings (titles, descriptions, images)
  • Customer service enhancements and positive review generation strategy
  • Continuous A/B testing for advertising optimization
  • Utilization of Focal Software’s ERP tools for real-time data-driven decision making



  • Low monthly sales
  • High marketplace advertising cost of sales (519%)
  • Unsustainable total advertising cost of sales (353.95%)
  • Poor return on ad spend (ROAS) of 0.19%
  • Low click-through-rate (CTR) of 0.27%
  • Minimal weekly unit sales averaging 7 units


  • Enhanced tracking and accuracy of stock levels with inventory management
  • Streamlined order management reduced processing times and improved fulfillment speed
  • Simplified product listings: improved titles, descriptions, images
  • Improved ability to manage new arrivals, featured products, and promotional content on the homepage
  • Enhanced overall customer service response and experience


Revenue Growth

  • 364% increase in monthly sales
  • Weekly unit sales increased from 7 units to 109 units (1,457% increase)

Advertising Efficiency

  • ACOS reduced from 519% to 71%
  • Total ACOS improved to 56.8%
  • ROAS increased from 0.19% to 1.95%
  • CTR improved from 0.27% to 1.67%


Enhanced Inventory Management

Description: Enhanced tracking and accuracy of stock levels, preventing stockouts and overstock situations.

Streamlined Order Processing

Streamlined order management reduced processing times and improved fulfillment speed.

Simplified Product Listings

Simplified updating and managing product listings, ensuring the website displayed the latest and most relevant products

Improved Content Management

Improved ability to manage new arrivals, featured products, and promotional content on the homepage, keeping the site fresh and engaging.


“Focal revolutionized SmartyLife’s eCommerce performance by optimizing marketing strategies and streamlining operations, driving a 364% increase in monthly revenue.”

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